
Critical Politic Education For Adolescent Voter And Its Correlation To The Quality Of DPR, DPD And DPRD Members In Indonesia

INTERNASIONAL SEMINAR ON GLOBAL EDUCATION II (Volume 1 dan Volume 2) Agus Riwanto, SH, M.AgFaculty of Law Sebelas Maret University Surakarta AbstractThe general general election in Indonesia is not optimal in producing three mandates of general general election function which are; political representation, political integration, and effective government. It is because the quality of political parties and members of DPRD, DPD, and DPRD is not qualified. The improvement of quality …

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Konstruksi Model Penanggulangan Korupsi di Lembaga Peradilan

Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2017 (Kerjasama Majelis Hukum dan HAM PWM Jateng) Agus Riwanto AbstrakKorupsi di lembaga peradilan sangat berbahaya bagi upaya pembarantasan korupsi, karena puncak pemberantasan korupsi melalui penegakan hukum antikorupsi berada di pengadilan, jika lembaga peradilan tidak bebas dari korupsi, maka dipastikan korupsi tak akan berhasil dibasmi. Dalam khasanah memberantas korupsi perlu dilakukan secara sinergi antara penindakan dan penanggulangan. Diperlukan kajian mendalam tentang penyebab korupsi di lembaga peradilan dan …

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PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR CULTURE ACROSS PERSPECTIVES III (CAP-III) CULTURAL ENGINEERINGIN POSTMODERN ERA 21 SEPTEMBER 2016 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO Agus Riwanto ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study to examine and explore on one of the effects of the global capitalist system into the legal culture. Characteristic of the capitalist economic system, which puts the market as the main actor, the role of individualistic strengthened and weakened state functions …

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Engineering Culture of Posotovistic Law to Progressiveme Law for Establishing the Substantive Justive of Law Enforcement

Semarang , September 21,2016 Agus Riwanto ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study to examine and explore on one of the effects of the global capitalist system into the legal culture. Characteristic of the capitalist economic system, which puts the market as the main actor, the role of individualistic strengthened and weakened state functions have an impact on the culture of law be tempered liberal, individualistic and positivistic either the principle or …

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Menganalisis Kesiapan Indonesia dalam Penanggulangan dan Penegakkan Hukum Kejahatan Global Berbasis Internet Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik

Agus Riwanto Abstract Utilization of information technology, media and internet-based communications have changed the behavior of the global community and civilization.The world is now flooded with information that is fast, accurate and perfect. The crimes accelerating adverse financial, social, cultural and political. Cybercrimes can be categorized as an extraordinary crime because it has crossed the state border. Cybercrimes prevention can not be done using ordinary legal models only (conventional), but also by a special law design (cyberlaw). Indonesia has had …

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